Affirmations for Living

I’ve stopped posting for a while to focus on other activities and it’s been refreshing.  A friend shared with me these affirmations and I thought it would help you as well!

What affirmations do you like to use?  Which ones have helped you through really challenging times?

I am centered and calm and balanced.

The universe approves of me.

I trust my other-than-conscious mind.

All is well – I am in harmony with the universe and all of life.

It it safe for me to know and grow.

I am responsible only for myself and I rejoice in who I am.

I can handle all that I create.

I am clear in my communication with life.

I am free to enjoy life right now.

My communication is clear.

I accept what is good for me.

I let go of all expectations.

I am loved and I am safe.

I lovingly release others to their own lessons.

I lovingly care for myself.

I move with ease through life.

I have a right to be me.

I forgive the past.

I know who I am.

I touch others with love.

I accept life and I take it in easily.

All that is good for me is mine now.

My heart forgives and releases.

It is safe to love myself

Inner peace is my goal.

I forgive everyone; I forgive myself.

I nourish myself.

I give myself the gift of forgiveness and we are both free.

I let life flow through me.

I am willing to live.

All is well.

I trust life to unfold before me in positive ways.

It is safe to love myself.

I willingly let go and allow sweetness to fill my life.

I am open and receptive to all that is good for me.

The universe loves and supports me.

I claim my own power.

I lovingly create my own reality.

I open myself to joy and love which I give freely and receive freely.

I see myself as beautiful and lovable and appreciated.

I am proud to be me.

I choose to circulate the joys of life.

I am willing to nourish myself.

I am safe in the universe and all life loves me and supports me.

I grow beyond parental limitations and live for myself.

It is my turn now.

I release the past.

I cherish myself.

I am safe.

I am loved.

I love who I am.

I am grounded in my own power.

I am secure on all levels.

I deserve to enjoy life.

I ask for what I want and I accept with joy and pleasure.

I am the power and authority in my life.

I now release the past and claim what is good for me.

I bring my life into balance by loving myself.

I live in today and love who I am.

